Bespoke Will Change You for the Better
It’s a bold claim but one that we at Savage Panda Snowboards stand behind - and according the 11th Consumer Review by Deloitte titled 'Made-to-order: The rise of mass personalisation' - an average of 36% of consumers want personalised products. . .and this figure is rising.
They're also happy to pay a premium for these personalised products because they KNOW that no one else will have exactly what they've got. Pretty compelling stuff. We are definitely not alone in our vision and quest for customisation. Around the globe there is a growing community of engineers, craftsmen, artisans and builders that share our goal in a range of different fields.

Take 7TILL8 for example, a custom wetsuit company that is changing people for the better by making equipment that keeps people comfortable in the water for longer.
The result is a person that gets to spend more time in the environment they love, catching more waves, getting fitter, stronger and building better technique than those in ill-fitting stock wetsuits who get colder sooner.

Then consider Indochino, a men’s tailor that is on a mission to deliver a truly custom experience to an industry dominated by off-the-rack. In just a couple of weeks they deliver made-to-measure garments that change the way men feel and act.
Walking into a life-changing moment like your wedding or the negotiations for selling your business with confidence is important. Again, bespoke changes you for the better.

Even Tesla, led by the visionary Elon Musk gives a nod to the benefits of custom with their design studio (WARNING: you may lose a lot of time playing with the options in there!)
Whilst this may fall short of the completely ground-up approach we take at Savage Panda Snowboards, it shows that even big business understands the advantages of bespoke products.
One of the best aspects of something that is built especially for you is that it doesn’t just make you better, it is better for the planet. Consider, for example, the energy and resources that go into building a road bike. The environmental impact of producing the materials (especially carbon fibre) is considerable.
Now consider a cyclist that buys a bike from one of the big name firms. How long will it take before they bring out a model that supersedes the one she just bought?

A timeless custom-built bike from a builder such as Baum Cycles will fit so well that there will be no need to change it from one year to the next. Bespoke will change our cyclist for the better because she will keep it longer, buy less overall and ultimately have a lighter impact on the environment. This is especially important to those of us that love winter.
Whether you choose a custom product because of the fit benefits, to support a true artisan or for the planet, you are joining a growing community of like-minded people around the globe and consumers are getting in on the act in a huge way.
People want to be different, unique and diverse. They don't want to just another product that comes from off the rack, and snowboarders are now joining the revolution. You don't need to stand in the lift queue anymore and look across at someone else who has the exact same board that you do.
At Savage Panda we're part of this revolution and demand for customisation, and are proud to be bringing it to the snowboard community. Given that surfers have had boards personalised for decades, we think its about time snowboarding caught up to the rest of the world.
And once you've experienced something, anything that's bespoke. . . you'll be left in no doubt that it has changed you for the better.