Snowboarding Is Freedom
In its truest form, snowboarding is freedom - there are no rules or expectations.
The freedom to be creative, it's sensually beautiful and can be shared with whom we choose.
It is an expression of who we are and how we choose to live. It’s about fun and sharing good times with family and friends. Spending time with our kids, teaching, guiding and watching them grow and develop, and take on greater challenges with each carve.
It’s about understanding the forces of nature, and being resourceful in response.
It’s about being with nature and her elements, at times at its most beautiful, at others, at its harshest and most dangerous. It’s about creating how we ride, when we ride ... or whether we choose to go snowboarding at all.

It’s about choosing to ‘send it’ when we want to ... or not to.
It’s about challenging ourselves - the joy, terror, fear, exhilaration and all the nasty bits of the experience that we can’t stop loving no matter how harsh it becomes.
It defines who we are as human beings. It takes us away from the mundane and into pure freedom. It’s about the mountain and our love for her. That familiar feeling of being so deeply in touch and connected to the that gorgeous beast, and how, in those moments, she loves us right back, embraces us and calms us.
Then in a moment we didn't see coming, spits us out ... it’s always her choice ... and we keep coming back for more!
It’s about the lifestyle we choose to have and love or perhaps, aspire to have. Some of us choose to carve, hang on the groomers, challenge the trees, go high and deep, share with friends and those we love, play it safe, focus on technique.
Some of us like to turn, others straight line it, teach others about what we love, jump out of snow cats and helicopters, hike the ridge, build a ramp, hit the ramp, hit the rails, jump like there is no tomorrow, have a long lunch ... that’s the beauty ... there are no rules ... you make them all as the love affair with the Mountain consumes us!

Savage Panda gets this – it’s the essence of our birth ... the basic principles about why we do what we love to do!
It’s why we chose to do this thing!! It’s the lifestyle we choose and how we choose to live.There ARE no rules, yet the industry seems to want to impose them, create boundaries and rules for snowboarders ... production models, named branded boards that suit just one person ... (he/she that designed it), technological advances designed to baffle and wow, but which, in reality, don’t seek to understand the individual snowboarder OR how they ride.
Whilst golf and cycling and tennis and surfing have all embraced the need to understand their participants and give them an experience that is tailored to their skill and aspirations, the snowboard industry has, until now, still served up ‘off the rack’ solutions which constrain and limit and restrict.
Far more than length, width, camber and top-sheet. We actively get inside your DNA as a snowboarder and hand craft a snowboard that understands all your nuances and skills, your aspirations and challenges, your style and terrain preference, and reflects you as an individual rider.