We all know it well. The ‘my board is bigger than your board’ mentality. And sure maybe in the largely male-dominated snowboard industry that’s the norm. And we get it – we really do. Market share, first to market, driving traffic, leading brand, sponsor of…, designed by. The whole competitive thing in the snowboard industry is alive and well, it’s the ‘norm’.
And we say BOLLOCKS!
Bollocks to the competition, bollocks to the one-upmanship, bollocks to ‘norm’.

When we conceived Savage Panda Snowboards, we were determined to do things differently – to ‘share the love’ as we say, and create a new way of looking at, and creating snowboards. A way that brought others along for the journey.
It’s not just the snowboarder, who was finally offered a truly genuine customised snowboard. Beyond just a ‘tick-a-box’ version that seems to pass as custom, but a fully bespoke, built from the ground up, just for them snowboard.

With marketing expertise from Canada, artists from Russia, Italy, UK, and the Netherlands, machinery experts from the US and technical designers from Whistler, the team is large, robust and most importantly, PART of the journey.
The collaboration that exists between all these individuals always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS adds up to WAY more than the sum of their parts. . . .
Recently there was some more coverage on us in Australian and New Zealand Snowboarding Magazine and when we shared that with the length and breadth of our team, they were all stoked! Not just for us, but also for themselves for having the buzz of being part of something truly unique in the industry. More importantly, they were all stoked for YOU!

YOU the snowboarder who deep down also wants to say BOLLOCKS to the mis-informed store clerk that tries to sell you some board off the rack so they can make their sales quota. YOU who finally can have a REAL say in what your board feels like and how it’s designed. YOU who doesn’t want to be riding what everyone else is riding. YOU who has grown beyond the hype and now just wants someone who GETS them.
Yep – our collaborative team celebrated all that and more.

Maybe, just maybe you’ll get to celebrate that too. . .
And if YOU want to collaborate with us. . give us a call to chat about it. We'd love to hear from you +61 428 228 938.