Why Do We Ride?
The sweet spot.
It’s a place where character, competence and custom design thrive. Take away any of these three elements and you’re left with a soulless, passionless or goalless board. An average one that gives it's rider an average experience.
It’s the antithesis of why we ride in the first place. The Savage Panda team is committed to moving the dial. Our Double Helix Design Matrix targets the sweet spot and aims to take a rider from riding on a snowboard to moving with it. An extension of your DNA, the way snowboarding should be.

Not made in China.
Born in the mountains of Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and from the teachings of fellow snowboard builders and designers in British Columbia, we proudly hand press Savage Panda Snowboards in our Queenscliff factory near Melbourne, Australia.
Come say hi!!
We guarantee that no two Savage Panda Snowboards are the same, except in quality and sustainability. Materials used will differ based on the snowboarder and his or her needs in a board. We don’t use a recipe: We create from scratch.
You can expect our boards to be constructed with the lightest and strongest materials in the marketplace. And while snowboard production isn’t exactly an eco-friendly practice, we do our very best at every intersection to source recyclable components such as base materials and wax.
No short-cuts. No compromise.

The Process
We work with each rider to understand, engineer, press and produce a game changing board. A true extension of your DNA. We’ll want to know your local mountains and preferred terrain - but that’s just scratching the surface.
We use a process known as the Double Helix Design Matrix, that we’ve developed with the help of some wildly smart friends including researchers, pro snowboarders, coaches, athletes and movement specialists.

The Double Helix Design Matrix
We’ll dig into each category within the Design Matrix: Competence, Character, and Custom Design to understand a snowboarder more holistically.
It’s an in-depth process including an initial online questionnaire to understand more about you, followed by a personalised design consultation (face to face or via phone, skype or zoom depending on your location), movement analysis, and an ongoing rider profile.

We factor in every aspect of you as a rider.
Then, in consultation with you each step of the way, the team will design and build a board that suits your personal characteristics, desires and aspirations, a board that extends your DNA.
When you strap into your Savage Panda snowboard, you’ll feel like you’ve come ‘home’, like the board and the mountain and the ride are part of you. This is what’s on offer with a fully custom-built snowboard.

If you’ve felt disappointed with an ‘off the rack’ snowboard performance, and you’ve been frustrated by the shopping experience then you’re already one of us.
We feel your pain.
Having experienced it so acutely that it literally caused us to up-end our lives, travel to the other side of the world to work with some of the best snowboard makers alive and bring all of that know-how and expertise right into your very own solution.

Everyone we’ve spoken to who loves to ride, has said “finally. Customized snowboards are the future." So, for the love of snow, join us. It’s already in your DNA to go premium, to go for the best, to give yourself the ride you deserve. Now it’s time to extend your DNA and get the ride of your life!